2 1/2 c Joseph's Grainery Soft White Wheat, cooked
1/4 c minced onion
1/4 c diced red pepper
1 boneless chicken breast, cooked or grilled
4 1/2 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegarett Salad Dressing
Directions: Mix together ingredients. Chill and pour dressing over salad just before serving.
Short cuts:
1. Cook the wheat ahead of time, freeze it and then just pull it out of the freezer a few hours before you want to make the salad.
2. Use pre-cooked chicken breast meat, either that you've cooked up ahead of time or the packaged kind at the grocery store.
There are sometimes when you just don't have enough time, a few of these short cuts might come in handy...say, you've forgotten that you need to take a salad to someone's house. Chances are you have most of these ingredients in your fridge, freezer or pantry and this salad would fit the bill!